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  2. Medicare Enrollment

I am turning 65 next month, but I am not entitled to Medicare without having to pay a premium for Part A because I haven't worked long enough to qualify. Can I sign up for a Marketplace plan?

Yes, in general, people age 65 or older who are not entitled to premium-free Medicare can purchase health insurance coverage in the Marketplace (except undocumented immigrants).

If you sign up for a Marketplace plan, you may be eligible for premium tax credits to make the coverage in the Marketplace more affordable if your income is between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level.

Keep in mind that if you are able to continue working, you may be able to earn enough work history to qualify for premium-free Medicare in the future. So another option for you to consider would be to sign up for Part A and Part B coverage when you turn 65 (you will have to pay a premium for both Part A and for Part B), and when you become eligible for premium-free Part A through your work history, you will then only have to pay a premium for Part B.

We can help you navigate to determine what will be the best coverage option.